Your biodiversity



An end-to-end, AI-powered solution for gauging your biodiversity impact.
Measure and offset your footprint as a commitment to sustainability.

Assess, report, and minimize biodiversity impacts

We provide a holistic view of your organization's impact on biodiversity across its operations and value chain, providing context-aware mitigation recommendations.

Key Features

Understand your Biodiversity Impact
A life-cycle assessment approach to help understand biodiversity impacts at the product, portfolio, and corporate level.
Meaningful Science-based Targets
Set measurable and attainable targets aligned with the Science Based Targets Network, enabled by AI baselining and forecasting capabilities.
Synthetic Data Augmentation
No matter where you are in your data collection journey, Monarch can help. We use cutting-edge AI-driven synthetic data augmentation to fill gaps in your data.
Integrated Biocredit Marketplace
Reduce your footprint by supporting targeted and verified environmental projects across the globe with our integrated biocredit marketplace.